Does your HTC Desire Z look like this ? The coating seems to slowly peel off the aluminium battery cover as you use it and, after a few weeks, it looks less than nice.
We’ve had an email in from Dave B who fixed his flaky rear panel with a scourer and some cleaning products but others appear to have just hidden the problem by using a cover to hide it.
Let us know if you’ve got the same issue on your Desire Z and whether you’ve found a fix! We’d also like to see your pictures.
Yes, I have that problem with my DZ and *every* *single* *person* having DZ I’ve ever met has that too. Frankly, HTC should do a global recall action and send out these panels free to people on-demand basis (subject to passing valid IMEI or sth). This is not something I’d expect from a phone that I’ve paid over £400 to get back in December. 😐
Yes, I have that problem with my DZ and *every* *single* *person* having DZ I’ve ever met has that too. Frankly, HTC should do a global recall action and send out these panels free to people on-demand basis (subject to passing valid IMEI or sth). This is not something I’d expect from a phone that I’ve paid over £400 to get back in December. 😐
The flip-stand part of my HD7 has a similar look now…
also have the problem with the hd7
Yep, mines just the same. And the discolouration of the rest of it is terrible too. Ill upload pix to twitter later 🙂 I’m concidering contacting htc as it looks awful. 🙁
You do all realise that HTC are replacing these flaky back covers for free? Submit a warranty ticket with HTC and they will replace the cover.
ha ha, cheap old htc crap. ive had so many htc phones with this. my desire z is exactly like this and the h.t. and c have fallen out!
I have had Desire-Z for a while now, no such issues but might be because I have invisible shield on the device.
happened to me too. Simple solutuion: Get a quarter (or any coin), and just scratch off the stuff that’s peeling off. By scratching it off, the back might get more scratches, but it still looks better than that picture above.
Same here with the HD2 back cover. Read this and sorted it out with wire wool. Nice smooth finish now. But of a fingerprint magnet though!
I had the same problem with my HD2. Wasn’t a huge problem as the HD2
cover isn’t as large as the Desire Z.I got a little chip on it after I
dropped my phone and it got worse over time but nothing as bad
as in the picture. I too took the wire wool option, worked like a
dream. Thing is as already stated when you spend this much money on a
phone you don’t expect any D.I.Y work…
Damn ~!!! Now i see what will happend with my phone this is woefully!
Got exact the same picture as above. Not a really great problem imo. Maybe i contact HTC for warranty…
Same problem here, bought mine last month. It’s slowly starting to peel off, even while I’m using a protective ‘case’