Arabic language to be supported in Smartphone

Arabic language to be supported in Smartphone After asking Carrier Devices about their Arabic I-Mate Smartphone. I got the following reply :

Dear Sir ,

Following your recent enquiry I’ve spoken with Carrier Devices public relations about the Smartphone, and they’ve forwarded me this reply. If you have any further queries, you can direct them to [email protected] ; I hope this is of some use to you.

[Paul Barthram] –
Thanks for the inquiry. We actually lauched the iMate smartphone this very morning, at a press briefing in DIC. Attached is the press release, which might answer some of the gentleman’s questions.

With regards to the Arabic, a full Arabic-enabled version will be available next month and Mr. Bahrani will be entitled to a full upgrade free of charge, as I understand it. You can give him my e-mail address if you want, provided he understands that the upgrade isn’t available until July)

Kind regards,

Edward Barnfield
Account Manager
Dubai Media City
P.O. Box 71765
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

So we will have Arabic smartphone next month… wooooooow 🙂