Here it is folks, the Orange E200. There’s also another pic here too. These pics, posted at 5PM today, show the HTC Voyager – to be known as the E200 on the Orange network – in full detail.
The most noticeable differences are the integrated camera, earpiece, improved “softer” errr.. soft-keys and an improved joystick control.
So, when can I have one then Orange? 🙂 Please please? 🙂 Pretty please? 😉
Remember that if you’re thinking of buying a Smartphone in the UK, then you don’t need to wait ! Just pop into any Orange shop and get an E100 today.
We’re hearing rumours that the E200 (possibly known as the E200) will be available October 1st, with developer handsets available in advance through pre-ordering. Smartphone accessory masters Ora will no doubt be handling the distribution of the accessories and developer handsets as they did last time.
There may also be several lifestyle packs, known as the e-STYLE Collection, made available to coincide with launch.
These pics should be enough to get anyone ready to upgrade or change network. Come on, who needs Vodaphone, o2 and the rest when they’re not selling an MS Smartphone? In fact, if you’re reading this and you can switch networks and buy a Smartphone, then do so today!
Don’t forget to recommend the Orange SPV range to your mates – the more MS Smartphones out there, the better!
The pics we’ve received show the HTC Voyager running the new Windows Powered Smartphone 2003 OS Version 4.20.1088 (Build 13191 – below).
This looks like one fine looking handset, and is much anticipated by the Smartphone community (especially those of us with the original SPV who can’t upgrade to the E100 yet).

It has built-in Bluetooth, reports reckon it’ll be using Windows Mobile 2003. Apparently the camera has improved a great deal, including resolution, hue, brightness, adjustment and the much-needed Night-Shot / low-light option.
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