Thanks for the heads-up from for this one. CNet have a video of the Motorola MPx200 on their site. View the video by clicking here.
CNet´s Patrick Houston gets a look at this much-anticipated phone – The first wide release in the USA of an MS Smartphone. Patrick speaks to Jason Gordon from the MS Mobile Devices gang about the handset. It’s a good introduction into the MS Smartphone for those who have never seen it before. Sync’ing via Bluetooth (oops – the Moto doesn’t have Bluetooth!) and USB – plus processor speed, the partnership with Motorola and more is covered.
Ok.. balls to this .. I’m gonna be completely biased and unprofessional. This phone looks bloody excellent. Patrick holds the SPV, SPV E100 and the MiTAC Mio 8380 in his hands while Jason has the Motorola. When you view this video (excellent on broadband by the way!) just take a look at the MiTAC Mio 8380 in Patricks’ hand … this is the first clamshell Smartphone from MS (which has had a few “ahem” .. security permission difficulties).. look at the size of it. Now – the next shot is of the Motorola MPx200… It’s tiny.. gawd it looks tiny.. Sure, Jason could just have big hands (no jokes please!) – but still, it’s a tiny powerhouse..

The Motorola MPx200 looks fantastic.. and bloomin quick too .. the video that is shown runs speedily. The menu navigation whizzes by and the general look and feel of it looks absolutely fantastic. Jason calls it simply the “Motorola MPx” … We’re hoping that this is a hint that maybe there’s some more MPx’s coming soon. I want one.. I want one now.. Sure, it doesn’t have Bluetooth – but if this is a sign of things to come with the MS and Motorola partnership, then get me a ticket.