Right, I’ve had 8 bottles of Grolsch now – it’s all going a bit misty. However, I think I’d better mention that Mobile-Review have a review which includes a comparison of the MPx220 and the MPx200.
Size-wise it’s a tad taller than the MPx200 – but, folded up, the MPx200 was tiny anyway wasn’t it eh ? Come on, you’re getting a flash, a camera, bluetooth, the works. Buy the frigger, you know you want to. Oh dear.. I think the beer is going to my head.. 🙂
The handset is made by Chi-Mei and is running (in this review) OS version 4.210, however – once again we can’t understand a bloody word that this website says. 🙂
There’s loads of close-up shots and pictures of the handset, software and outer screen – so check it out….baby.
By the way – it’s nice and hot here in the UK. I nearly hit a lampost this morning when some loverly ladies crossed the road. I LOVE the summer! 🙂
UPDATE – MSMobiles.com has translated the review here, so give it a glance. It includes some juicy information…
– The Camera-capture software (when using the integrated 1 Megapixel camera) allows for the white balance, contrast and brightness plus more.
– The Motorola MPx220 features 40 tone polyphonic ringtones.
– External display is 98õ64 pixels, it is STN (not TFT)
– Built-in Java in MPx220 works very well, and it’s quick.
– Sales of MPx220 will start in September 2004 (this may change).
Click here for more info from msmobiles.com
Source and more info plus piccies – Mobile-Review