Interview with Ya-Qin Zhang

Interview with Ya Qin Zhang There’s a good interview here with Ya-Qin Zhang, who is the Vice President of Mobile and Embedded Devices at Microsoft.

The interviewer (from throws some challenging questions, particularly concerning the early versions of the Smartphone OS and the bugs. Ya-Qin acknowledges that things have been learned and that now quality and stablity is top priority. He goes on to say…

“A device–especially one that has a complex operating system with multithreading and multitasking and that has to work with a new type of network with which the operator does not have a lot of experience–does require multiple iterations. In the meantime, we do have to put more emphasis on testing and on quality.”

Now.. ‘cus I’m an MVP (see this page at to find out what MVP’s are), it means that I get told stuff and hear “things”. A lot of this I can’t say, but I can back this up 100%, and future versions of Windows Mobile for Smartphone will be bloody brilliant. I’m sure you’ll remember (if you’re an early visitor of this website) that way back in the day I used to whinge about the bugs and how to get “around” these bugs, fix things etc. Some of these articles are still here (see “common problems”)… but in the future I’m prepared to bet that there’s going to be a hell of a lot less problems ! Hey, maybe there wouldn’t even be a need for me to point them out.. then what would I do?! 🙂

Source – CNET