Yet again Smartphones have helped people to win awards. This time it’s the Microsoft Imagine Cup, which is intended to encourage student creativity.
In fact it’s the second year that Smartphones have helped win the prize. Last year the guys from Team Faraday beat over 4500 other students to win the UK qualifying round of the Software Design Challenge with the aid of an SPV E200 (right). Their prize was an all expenses paid trip to Brazil to represent the UK in the worldwide finals… plus they met some rather nice ladies too…

Ahhh – me thinks that they went away as boys and came back as men…
Anyways, they won the prize with an application called ‘The Juice’, which was a type of virtual assistant – helping students keep track of lectures and even where their mates would be! This was all accessible via a SmartPhone or PC.
This year it was the turn of “OneReach” by “Bit Shifters”, made up of Adrian Collier from Bournemouth University, Andrew Webber from City University in London and Joseph Wardell from Aberystwyth University. OneRead is a location-aware (GPS) blog tool giving users access to blogs specific to the area they are in so they can find useful information and tips. (Such as “Welcome to Lichfield, there’s bucket loads of pubs here! Get pi**ed!!) It’ll also allow your family and friends to keep track of you. Again, this is all done via a Windows Mobile 2003 phone!

Source – BBC News
Link - – Imagine Cup