The internet never really ceases to amaze me. The guys over at PDA 24/7 did an interview the other day with John Phillips, who’s the head of Business Development for Astraware. It’s a very good interview and well worth checking out. John even manages to get a shot of himself with an Orange SPV C550 clamped to his ear. Top stuff. Astraware have a competition on at the moment too, you can win stuff just by taking a photo. Have a look how things are going here.
Anyhoo.. PDA 24/7 do a “look-a-likes” section and have come up with some corkers for John Philipps and Howard Tomlinson at Astraware plus Dale Coffing from and… and… oh dear… yes, I’m on there too. Have a look at this PDA 24/7 look-a-like news story and you’ll find a picture of me alongside my look-a-like, Michael Schumacher.
I have to state right here and now that I was on holiday when the photo was taken, it’s from a very bad angle (I don’t have that many chins.. honest), and I was very, very drunk on Banks Beer.
I’ll plonk the offending pictures below.. 🙂 It’s not the first time that I’ve had someone say, “Hey, you look like Michael Schumacher”.. 🙂
Links – PDA 24/7 Astraware interview – Look-a-likes –

That’s a really baaaaad picture of me… 🙂