Samsung i300 Videos and more besides!

Samsung i300 Videos and more besides! The Samsung i300 should be available pretty soon on o2. It’s got a 3Gb hard drive and it’s own
Samsung Music Player too. You can also check out videos of the i300 in action here and here.

While we’re talking about new hansets, check out these videos of the QTek 8310 – the WiFi-enabled Windows Mobile 5.0-powered device that I’m hunting for at the minute. Video 1Video 2Video 3Video 4Video 5. However, I can’t take any credit for these videos as they come from You can also find 3 videos of the Qtek 9000 (that’s the Orange SPV M5000 / iMate JasJar / o2 XDA Exec / T-Mobile MDA Pro), 3 videos of the Qtek 9100 (i-mate K-JAM / Orange SPV M3000 / T-Mobile MDA Vario) and 5 videos of the Qtek 8300.

Source – (Use their search function)

Edit Look ma! It’s the Qtek 8310 browsing CoolSmartPhone over wi-fi! I want one of these!!!