My mate, who’s on Three, showed me one of Three’s latest services yesterday. Completely free MSN Messenger – you can get it for nothing as long as you stay on the promoted price plan meaning you can be online all the time without any extra data charges. He’s able to walk around using his 3G signal to stay in touch. In fact he replied to a couple of people while he was at our house.
“What’s that new M3100 like?”, he said, “why don’t you go on Messenger now?”
Ahh, well. I can’t. It’s been removed. In fact MSN Messenger, which should in reality be a fantastic way for networks to reap data revenue, has been dropped out of almost every Microsoft handset at the request of the networks. It’s deeply annoying for me, as a Microsoft fan, to not have a phone that comes out-of-the-box with this facility when Three customers can simply use a Java app on their non-Microsoft phones to stay in touch for no additional data charges. đ For other people to see a lack of Microsoft Messenger on my Microsoft Powered phone is a tad embarrassing to say the least. Plus having to wait for Windows Live Mobile or a a network solution is pain in the backside. Humph…
Link – Three Free Unlimited MSN Messenger
Wot No Messenger? I’m annoyed!
August 20, 2006