OK, I’ve seen quite a bit of buzz about DashWire of late and, after trying it, I’ll admit it’s richly deserved. This, quite simply, is really, really, really good. Sure, it’ll let you backup your phone (texts, photos, videos, voicemail, call logs, phone settings) but it’ll do so much more – you can share photos, videos and more with the people you care about most. It’ll also simplify your phone and make things a whole lot easier to setup.
Think of it as a fantastically easy web interface into your phone. Want to change your ringtone? Easy, do it in seconds from the web interface. Want to add a new bookmark without faffing about ? A few clicks on your dedicated web-panel is all that’s needed. Speed dials, call management, text message-sending and so, so much more is available from a brilliantly simple interface. I’ve taken a shot of my interface (albeit with private bits blotted out) below, so you can see what all the fuss is about.
Oh, and best of all, it’s free! Trust me on this one, get signed up – do it now. This is atonishing.
Link – DashWire.com