Does Microsoft want Developers, Developers, Developers?

Does Microsoft want Developers, Developers, Developers? For those of you who aren’t aware, Microsoft recently revealed more details about submitting apps to their upcoming Marketplace – an on-device shop for installing and browsing games and useful tools. Comparisons have already been made with the iPhone App Store but there’s an increasing feeling of resentment by developers against Microsoft. In short, developers can submit five apps for free, but following that they’ll have to pay $99 per app and, just to rub the salt into the wound, word has it that every update or revision of the app will be charged at another $99. This kinda discourages the developer from doing updates or potential bug fixes to the software, plus it could push the developer to charge more for the software to recoup costs.

Hold tight though because, according to, Microsoft will be charging developers for resubmitting apps which were rejected previously. Also, if you’re looking to create a Windows Mobile app you’ll find that Microsoft has chosen not to offer Mobile Device support in the Express edition of Visual Studio. Sure, that was bad enough a few years ago in Visual Studio 2005. You had to get the Standard edition to develop for Windows Mobile, but now in Visual Studio 2008 you’ll need to fork out around a massive £600 to buy the Professional version instead.

Now sure, some of the information we’re seeing on the web might not be true and updates may not count, but the pricing stucture is still pretty painful when you look at the $99 per-app charge and the cost of Visual Studio Pro 2008. Many will remember the Steve Ballmer chant – Developers, Developers, Developers. They’re the life-blood of the Windows Mobile platform but with such high start-up and on-going costs, it’s not going to encourage many to start developing for Windows Mobile, or even continue.

Update – More news from the developers on, there’s also further coverage on

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