Last night I got chatting with a mate who owns a HTC Hero. He’s a big fan and he’s used more of the Google features than I have. One I’ve not seen before is Google Location History, which does what it says on the tin. Enable it through your Google account and it’ll keep track of you.. all the time. If your GPS is off it’ll use the mobile transmitters to get your position, so you still get to see where you were and when.
To try it yourself, go to and click on the “Do more with your latitude location” link. Once you’ve logged in hit “Google Location History” and then choose “Enable Location History” to start recording your location at regular intervals.
Leave it for a few days to collect information, then click back into the dashboard and you can see where you’ve been. It’ll show you your visited places with the most recent at the top, how much time you’ve been spending at work and how much time you spend out of your house. If you then hit “Manage History” you see a Google Map with your locations over the last day – you can even adjust the date range and click “play” to see your movements and where you were at any particular time, even how many miles you’ve done.
Sure, it’s a bit “Big Brother” but it could be very useful if you’re filling in time sheets or can’t remember where you were on a particular day or time. Actually, if you buy your girlfriend an Android handset, you can also setup alerts or see if she’s been off with the postman. 🙂 Click on to see more shots..
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