Empty that cupboard and get yourself some cash

Empty that cupboard and get yourself some cash It was a very dark and wet day on Saturday so I went through “the cupboard”. Many of you will have a special cupboard where stuff gets dumped. In my case, it’s full of cables and old phones. These mobiles can sometimes fetch a few quid on eBay or, as many of you will have seen on TV, you could try sending your phone to a recycling company for cash.

There’s quite a few of these companies, and finding a reliable one that’ll give you a good price can be a bit of a nightmare. Luckily there’s companies that will compare all these companies for you, so you just search once and get the best price. I gave CompareMobilePhoneRecycling.co.uk a spin and, although I won’t exactly be booking a holiday to the Caribbean any time soon, I got enough for a few beers thanks to an old Nokia I found down the back of a biscuit tin. 🙂

Link – CompareMobilePhoneRecycling.co.uk

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  1. Prazynothh