The new Android 2.2 (FroYo) update has had a bumpy delivery for Desire handsets. o2 rolled it out and pulled it and Orange announced that there’s was delayed. Now, here’s the thing. Orange stated that “there has been a delay in receiving the 2.2 FroYo update from HTC”, but Mit Singh wanted to know more. He emailed HTC, asking them why HTC had delayed the 2.2 delivery to networks like Orange. The apparent response from HTC was..
“Thank you for contacting HTC. I have no idea as to why Orange have blamed us for the delay in releasing THEIR software, but I can assure you that it is not true.”
There’s more on this below. We’ve asked Orange and HTC for their input on this to try and get the full story on this. Click on for the mail trail we’ve been sent..