Battery life. It’s always a massive talking-point when you mention mobile phones. Come on, let’s admit it, if we all had crappy old Nokia’s with monochrome screens they’d last weeks without charging. Sure they would, but who wants to go back to a phone with no 3G, no WiFi, no GPS, no colour screen and a big “Nokia” logo on? No-one. 😉

This, then, is a 2400mAh battery for the HTC HD2. It comes complete with a new battery cover. Why ? Because it’s huge, that’s why. It does, however, nearly double the capacity from the existing 1230mAh HTC HD2 battery, so something has to give.
Made in China by “Cameron Sino Technology” it’s simply a matter of popping your old battery cover and battery off, then replacing with this one.

As you can see from these photos, the extra “bulge” is fairly noticeable, but it’s a trade-off which laptop owners will also be aware of. To get extra battery life you do need an extra bulge somewhere. There’s no “kick stand” and this isn’t the official HTC HD2 battery but it did make a pretty whacking difference on the battery life for the HD2.

Let’s not forget that this isn’t a permanent fixture on your phone. If you’re going to be in the office (and near a charger) you can use your normal battery. If you’re out on site somewhere then just use this extra-life battery and you’re set.
At the end of the day it comes down to the bulge. If you want that extra battery life then there’s gonna be a trade-off. This battery is available for £14.98 from easydevices.co.uk. This is way cheaper than the official one for around £41.11.
Links – easydevices.co.uk – More pictures