This mini-sync cable is pretty much identical to the
Boxwave MiniSync cabled reviewed here. It’s a lightweight, slim, durable
cable that extends in both directions from a centre coil, as seen below. You can
see the length of it as I’ve placed it on some concrete slabs – it goes to about
35 inches long.
Although the cable looks and feels thin, it is reinforced and
can endure the weight of 6Kg being pulled on it! Here it is in action,
sync’ing and charging with my lappy..
The cable reviewed is made by
T&F Digital Accessories.
The cable acts like a reverse-seatbelt mechanism – i.e. Instead of "stopping"
when force is put on it, it holds the position of the cable when pressure is
relieved on the cable slightly. This allows you to wind the cable out easily to
a perfect length – it’s then simply a matter of pulling it slightly, and the
whole thing retracts back to a tiny pocket-sized unit – ready for action
whenever you are.
The cable can be used in conjunction with other devices, such as
this new battery extender which should also be reviewed in this section. Here
you can see that the battery charger has a USB output port, so I can plug the
LovelySync cable in and the phone starts charging straight away. Very handy.
To get the LovelySync MiniSync cable – it’ll cost you £8.99. The
battery extender is £8.99 too, and
both are
available by clicking here.