How successful was the Windows Phone 7 launch? It’s been a little difficult to get exact details so far and now LG’s James Choi has chipped in by stating that ..
“From a consumer point of view the visibility is less than we expected.”
His belief appears to be that the Android OS is more for techies, with Windows Phone 7 being “absolutely perfect for a huge segment”…
“What we feel is that some people believe that some operating systems, mainly Google, are extremely complicated for them; but Windows Phone 7 is very intuitive and easy to use. For tech guys like us (Windows Phone 7) might be a little bit boring after a week or two, but there are certain segments that it really appeals to. We strongly feel that it has a strong potential even though the first push wasn’t what everyone expected”.
Although the initial momentum is lacking, LG will no doubt release more Windows Phone 7 devices and we’ll be watching Mobile World Congress very closely.
Link – Pocket-lint
It always is going to be a stuggle for M$. Having had a huge % of Marketshare, and being arrogant abour iPhone and Android, most users could not wait and have jumped ship.
Have to give it time I guess. May suit some users. Not all, and those that have invested in apps for iPhone or Android may not want to lose their functionaility and productivity just for a new phone from M$
if YOU had a choice of Samsung, HTC or LG (as released) what would you go for?
LG would be my LAST option for a cellphone (allbeit alcatel and other minor brands) having been a HTC customer for 10 years now – I naturally went with HTC HD7 – if the Omnia 7 by samsung was a bit better finished I could have been swayed.
Since when is Android complicated to use? It may not be quite “as easy” as the iPhone (although I beg to differ) but it’s in no way complicated.
I see mid-tear Windows Phone 7 mobiles doing well. There must be a large segment who don’t want the expensive of iPhone/HTC Desire but do want something more than a dumbphone.
As an HTC HD2 user I guess we’re in a unique position, having just about the only phone that can run Windows Phone 6.5, Android and now WP7. I got Windows Phone 7 running a couple of days ago and have spent many hours playing with the apps, games, user interface and Live services. Sadly, I’m a bit underwhelmed. I think MS has tried very hard to get a decent body of software (and developers) on board as early as possible… but it’s also clear that Android developers didn’t need much pushing. It feels too that WP7 is really closed and restricted, compared to WP6.5 and even compared to Android… a bit like iPhone I guess (which I had for 2 months last year). And I’m already missing a lot of things that I’d got used to in the old Windows Phone – including TomTom, Cookie’s Home Tab, FpseCE and loads more. I’m missing the brilliant Google Maps on Android and a couple of other things. Maybe I’m one of those techies the LG guy referred to, but I think WP7 needs to open up more – and possibly after a year it will have all the things added that it should have had from launch. And what about voice dialling/commands – am I really expected to trawl through the 400 or so names in my contacts list every time I want to make a phonecall? And, sorry, but the big squares just look a bit drab – and they don’t make use of the whole screen with black space wasted down the right side. There are some lovely touches – love the email, messaging, Facebook stuff etc, but it’s quite deeply flawed in other ways.
Personally, I believe that MS are looking at new customers with WP7, and I think it’s a great OS if you’re not coming from WM6.5, iPhone or Android. Say you’ve always had Nokia phones, this would be a LOVELY OS for you (sorry Nokia – great phones but pap OS. Getting there – but just not there yet)!
Because of this, it’ll be a slow take-up, but they’ll get there eventually, and by that time, the market place will have a LOT more apps.
If you’ve got a smartphone then this OS isn’t aimed at you, so you’re bound to not be that impressed.
Since when is Android easy to use? It may not be quite “as complicated” as the iPhone (although I believe it is) but it’s in no way easy.
I see mid-tier Windows Phone 7 mobiles doing badly. There’s only be a small segment who want the expense of Nokia 6680 but do not want a dumbphone.
Scratch my comment about voice dialling – just found it (seems to work okay)…