Alien Dalvik – Android apps on non-Android phones

Alien Dalvik   Android apps on non Android phones Want to use your favourite Android app on a non-Android phone ? Well, it’ll be possible soon thanks to “Alien Dalvik”, an innovation from a company called Myriad. They’re founding members of the Open Handset Alliance (OHA) and have already created Dalvik Turbo – a performance enhancing system for Android apps.

Alien Dalvik will let the “majority” of Android apps run without modification and will appear as native apps. Myriad will be demonstrating this at Mobile World Congress on a Nokia N900 with commercial availability on the MeeGo platform and others soon after.

Myriad Group Chief Executive Officer, Simon Wilkinson, stated..

“The proliferation of Android has been staggering, but there is still room for growth. By extending Android to other platforms, we are opening up the market even further, creating new audiences and revenue opportunities.”

You can see it in action below..

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Link – Myriad Group