Femtocells have been around for a while, Orange have permitted users to connect their Blackberry’s via VOIP (home WiFi) for a while, and Vodafone launched there SureSignal box a while back. Following on from our earlier story we can now reveal that the O2 solution will be called the O2 BoostBox.
While still in a trial period (and costing £150 for a home user/ SOHO, and £250 for the larger office), they are at least getting on the gravy train.
We don’t have the specs for either box as they’re not yet shipping the trial units, but rest assured, as soon as it comes through the door I’ll be putting it through it’s paces!
Link – Earlier story
Brilliant pay O2 for equipment that you will supply with power and newtwork connectivity so that they can charge you to use their service (that technically they are failing to provide to you due to under investment in their network)
not if you live in a basement flat where the mobile reception struggles to penetrate or in a building those construction blocks various signals including ones for your cell phone. Like my flat, I loose half the reception and struggle to a get good data connection, but it is due to the building bricks that were used to construct it, hardly o2 fault since they didn’t exist in 1959 when it was built. You can put a mast on top of the block and it still wouldn’t do the job.
Great if it works on GiffGaff/Tesco Mobile too!