We heard just the other day how analysts were pouring cold water over the Nokia Lumia 800 sales predictions. Nokia have told BGR that..
Lumia 800 sales in the U.K. are off to an excellent start. Based on earliest data the sales start of the Lumia 800 is the best ever first week of Nokia smartphone sales in the U.K. in recent history. By our measures, we have gained significant smartphone sell-out share in the channels in which we are operating in the U.K.
We’ll have more coverage of the Nokia Lumia handset up soon, but we’d love to hear your thoughts on this one.
Link – BGR
Whilst that might be true, they need to think about the comments they are putting out there.  Using the words “best ever” and then watering that down with “in recent history” isn’t doing them any favours in the credibility stakes 🙂
Very good point!
Leigh Geary
Odd they can’t seem to come up with a number of devices sold. Â The comments they’re releasing to the press give the perception they’re hiding something…
I have one 🙂 Happy as a Clam with it too.
They would sell more if they made other colors than black. You can’t get blue anywhere. Anyone know when they will be avalible?