Rather than updating the original blog post, Microsoft have spoken to ZDNet about the recent changes in how updates are delivered. It seems that there actually aren’t any changes, and everything is business is usual. Greg Sullivan, Senior Product Manager, has told Mary-Jo Foley that..
Nothing has changed in regard to how we work with carriers to deliver Windows Phone updates to our customers
Window Phone 7 Team Boss Joe Belfoire has also sent this update via Twitter…
ps – on updates, pls don’t overreact, our focus is on users first! As greg said “nothing has changed” in how we work w carriers on updates.
Now, whilst it may still be business as usual, the “Where’s my update” page is definitely history and this badly-worded communication hasn’t pleased Windows Phone users in any way.
What I can’t understand is why Microsoft aren’t saying “Sorry about the confusion”. Instead they’re telling people to “stop overreacting” when there’s many, many upset customers telling Microsoft how they feel in no uncertain terms. People aren’t over-reacting. Nearly every single one of the 170 comments on this original Microsoft blog post is negative, and that’s purely due to the way that the post was worded.
I say again. Look at the comments in this article. Listen to the customers. Windows Phone owners shouldn’t now have to trawl the internet to read a follow-up post on a completely different website.
Link – Editorial – Microsof hands power back to the networks?
If nothing has changed, than it’s always been a bad policy to allow the carriers to request at their leisure IF they were going to reward us with bug fixes, security patches, and new features. AT&T is currently 2 updates behind if you bought a phone pre-mango but they are 1 update behind if you bought a mango phone. Nothing has changed, windows phone users finally learned the truth on how poorly everything is handled.
Thank god Im off windows mobile…took me ages to make the jump to android but the last year has shown me its been the right move.
….a once loyal WinMo user…
I quite agree, well said.
After ten years of windows mobile of some form or other, Ill be moving to an android or iphone within the next 6 months at this rate.