Ofcom plans to push 4G into more areas of the UK

Ofcom plans to push 4G into more areas of the UK

Ofcom have had a re-think on their 4G auction. Earlier they were planning to reserve a slice of the new 800MHz spectrum (freed up by the removal of analogue TV) for Everything Everywhere. The joint network, which powers T-Mobile and Orange, operates on the 1800MHz spectrum for both 2G and 3G services. O2 and Vodafone operatre on 900MHz with Three using 2100MHz.

Over the years we’ve all become aware at the benefits of 900MHz, especially when penetrating buildings, and Everything Everywhere had been promised a slice of some lower-frequency spectrum. Now, however, things have changed somewhat and Everything Everywhere will see their “reserved slice” go to a fourth national wholesaler – a network other than O2, Vodafone or Telefonica (O2).

New plans by Ofcom add measures which ensure than 98% of the UK will be covered by 4G. Ofcom Chief Exec, Ed Richards, stated…

We are proposing a significant enhancement of mobile broadband, extending 4G coverage beyond levels of existing 2G coverage – helping to serve many areas of the UK that have traditionally been underserved by network coverage.

A new condition has been added to winner bidders of the 4G network roll out which stipulates a 95% coverage of the population, rising to 98%.

Link – BBC