giffgaff helping chickens get one step closer to being free range

GiffGaff are well known for providing sim cards with great rates and “unlimited” internet packages. The idea being you order the Sim which uses the O2 network, you top up every month and you get LOTS of minutes and text and some internet. All without having to worry about the whole contract thing.

A few days ago GiffGaff put a video on youTube highlighting the perils of two year contracts and the plight of chickens. So far it all sounds plausible.

The video has Keith Harris and Orville in it though. Rapping…

It’s all in a good cause though. Here is the accompanying text to the video

“giffgaff presents, an Unlock a phone. Unlock a chicken production, featuring K-Orville.

As a SIM only mobile network we don’t think you should be locked in to amobile contract. We don’t think chickens should be locked up either. So continuing our Unlock a phone. Unlock a chicken campaign we’re rehoming a battery hen for everyone who unlocks their phone and joins giffgaff. Now share the chicken love and start unlocking.

In support of Wood Green, The Animals Charity and their chicken rehoming program. No chickens were harmed in the making of this video, we just got them one step closer to a new free range home.”

Visit: for more info and to sign up for you bargain pay as you go sim.

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Comments (9)

  1. Lockey
  2. photoREVERIE
    • Anonymous
  3. photoREVERIE
  4. SFS