So what is this? Well, it’s pretty simple really. At one end there’s a standard USB connector. In the middle, a retractable seat belt-style mechanism and at the other end – magic.
OK, it’s not magic. I fibbed a little. First, there’s a miniUSB connector. That plugs into a microUSB connector, and that in turn plugs into an iPod / iPhone connector. You simply choose the one you need and away you go. If you need the iPod connector, you plug the miniUSB into the microUSB and then the iPod connector in. If you want the microUSB, you plug the miniUSB into the microUSB, and if you want the miniUSB you… just use it..
There’s not a great deal to say here. It’s three cables in one and it just works. It reduces the amount of clutter and lets your charge and sync your mobile devices easily.
Link – MobileFun (Currently £9.99)
That is quite a cool little adapter.