Asus made a big deal of pushing out the Android 4.1 Jelly Bean update to their customers in The States, however, they’ve made very little of the UK update. There was as small post on Facebook on Friday, but then we didn’t have any concrete evidence of anyone actually getting it. In fact, the first we heard was from a loyal Coolsmartphone reader letting us know when his updated last night!
To be fair to Asus, these things do take a while to push out, and it’s done in stages anyway.
So, now all of you lucky TF300 owners will be able to enjoy the buttery smooth, Google Now enhanced flavour of Jelly Bean. Let us know what you think of it and how it runs.
Booooo, no update for the Prime though đ
so what happens to all of us that have the Transformer Prime which was the flagship device for a few minutes anyway? Is there a planned rellease for the Prime, any rumours or what?
There are plenty of rumours, but even the most reliable of them were predicting a July roll-out.
If form is anything to go by, The States is getting both updates and product launches first. The Transformer Infinity is due for ‘rest of the world’ release very soon, and that’s probably their focus. The States got it with ICS, so *my guess* is there will be an American update for that and the Prime soon, then the release of the Infinity and a Prime update thereafter.
It’s most likely that the PadFone, TF101 and SL101 will be the last to get it. Don’t quote me though!
still gloating with jellybean on my xoom đ
seems like Asus have washed their hands of us prime owners