There are a lot of weather forecasting apps around and now and again one will make me sit up and take notice. Weather Eye is one of those apps.
Weather Eye is based around four different widgets, a stand alone forecast app and a forecast in the notification area. The widgets are easily chosen from the app drawer and once you’ve picked the size you can set about changing the features.
The background needs setting up first, you can pick any colour and transparency, I normally go for a black see through background.
You can change the colour and transparency of the text as well. This helps you work with fancy coloured backgrounds or wallpapers.
The next thing to choose is your iconset. The widgets, the notification area and the stand alone app can all use different ones, so you could end up with a bit of a muddle of icons. Changing the icons is a nice feature that allows you to make your widgets unique.
The notification area can also have a Weather Eye forecast, it’s a nice feature which I feel is nicer than the Google Now card (Jelly Bean feature). It isn’t expandable though like some of the Jelly Bean apps though, if they could add this in future versions I would be impressed. If it expanded to display a week forecast.
One last thing you can edit about the widgets are having rounded corners, a refresh button and a configure button, again more things to change the way it looks. The stand alone forecast app shows you a more detailed view when you tap on one of the widgets.
The app allows you to store several of your favourite cities as well, the cities widget and the stand alone app both allow you to flick through them as well.
Overall the app is really nice and it allows you to create a unique looking weather widget. It also seems to fairly accurately forecast the weather for the day. I like stand alone weather apps and and I haven’t seen one quite as customisable as this. With Weather Eye it is all about aesthetics though, don’t install it expecting a full blown app like AccuWeather, this is about how good the widgets look.
The developers quickly sum up the app in the Play Store:
Weather Eye is for those who like their weather clean, simple and beautiful.
The app includes 12 of the best weather icon sets available, with the ability to add your own icon sets.
Four widgets are available which are highly customizable.
The app itself is free and comes with adverts in the settings area, the Pro Key removes these adds and helps support the developer.
Play Store Link – Weather Eye – Pro Key
Here is a qr code for the app.
Thanks for the review. That is a really nice looking weather app, gonna give it a go on Ray 🙂
Thanks for the QR! 😉
Great app, thanks alot!