Theme Park arrives on Android!

I don’t know how you spent your childhood, but I spent a lot of mine parked in front of the family PC playing Theme Park World, developed by those geniuses at Bullfrog. I had already been drawn in with Theme Hospital (I still play it) and I couldn’t wait for Theme Park World when it was announced. I actually entered a competition to win a copy with Kellogg’s, the morning it came through the door was a magical day.

Fast forward 13 years and EA have bought it to Android, almost a year after it appeared on iOS. The critics didn’t give it the easiest of times but I haven’t had the chance to play it on iOS so I’m downloading it onto my Nexus 7 with the same sense of impending glee that I got from loading the disk into our old Time desktop PC.

Head over to the Play Store to get it yourself, for free!