Seeing as Samsung have a new product to push, you should expect to see a few more adverts for the Samsung Galaxy Camera floating around. Up in the rainy North of England where I live, this has mainly been in the form of big posters and billboards.

Let’s play spot the Samsung technology – what devices are these people holding?
Now, however, Samsung have brought out the big guns, with a new advert featuring James Franco (who apparently did 127 Hours and a few Spiderman movies – celebrities aren’t my strong point). He features in a new, two and a half minute YouTube video showing some real-world pitfalls with photography and how the Galaxy Camera can get around them. It’s actually quite an effective advert which actually focuses on the product (unlike the SIII advert of a few months ago.)
You can view it below or by clicking this link. Do you want a Galaxy Camera after watching that video? I do!
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