gMaps for Windows Phone gets a Street View update

Google Maps is a great app, on Android and on iOS. With many many features it is something I find myself using a lot. On Windows Phone the situation is a little different, Nokia and Microsoft both provide really good mapping apps. But sometimes something is missing that you know is on Google Maps, you have friends using Google Latitude or maybe that you want to do a bit of snooping on Google Street View. That’s where gMaps for Windows Phone comes in and with each successive update they manage to squeeze more and more features into it.

The latest update today has improved the Street View functionality, added a driver Mode and also improved Google Latitude functionality as well.

Previously the Street View part of the app had limited ability to browse views. Now you can enjoy the full 360-degree panoramic Street View with ability to move in the Street View mode. You use the arrows to choose panorama direction. You also got the option to enable High Quality (HQ) tiles what makes panoramas just great.

So if you’re a Windows Phone user and you want to do some Street View snooping you can try the app out for free. There is a trial on the Pro version and the free version is ad – supported.

Windows Phone Store Links – gMaps ProgMaps free
Source – Facebook