If you bought this and decided not to go for a Nook HD and are feeling a bit green with envy, there’s some rather good news on the way. Barnes and Noble are apparently to issue an update in June which will deliver a browser and email client to the relatively light-weight Nook Simple Touch.
Whilst it won’t turn the Simple Touch and Simple Touch Glowlight into a “full” Android tablet (or add colour for that matter), it’ll at least enhance this e-Reader and make it even more attractive to potential owners. We’ve already had a look around and you can get the “Glowlight” version (with backlight) for around £69 whilst the Simple Touch is a mere £29!
The Simple Touch has a 6″ screen, 2GB storage, WiFi and an 800MHz CPU. If you’re looking for something a bit more potent, have a look at the HD and HD+ versions. The HD is a 7 inch tablet with the full (colour) Android experience plus magazines, newspapers, scrapbooks, apps, films, TV shows.. oh, and books too of course Prices start at £129.
If you own one of these please do let us know what your thoughts are, we’d love to hear from you.
I own one and LOVE it! I’ve rooted it and (as it runs on Android) loaded a ton of google apps including calendar, e-mail, file explorer, kindle app, the full play market, the lot. Bloody amazing and at £29 too kool for skool…