Android 4.3 hasn’t been the most well received update ever; some calling it pointless and others claiming no benefits whatsoever. Well, things are just getting worse as more and more users are reporting that it’s causing major problems on their Nexus 4 handsets.
Over on the Google support forums there are ever growing threads complaining of issues that range from Gapps crashing and poor battery life to boot looping and refusal to boot at all.
Our very own Ravi had initial problems applying the update, but a reset solved things. Others don’t seem to be so lucky, with people being told to return their handsets under warranty or flash 4.2.2 via recovery.
Having said all that, some members of the Coolsmartphone staff are saying the update has made their Nexus 4s slicker with better battery life.
Looks like it’s pot luck at the moment, so if you haven’t applied the update you may want to wait for 4.3.1, just to be safe.
Have you got 4.3 on your Nexus 4? Are you experiencing crashes or worse? Let us know.
Source – Google product forum
I had no problem doing the update on this, or my Nexus 7, but there is one problem that I noticed earlier; the ridiculously slow data speeds I am now getting since doing the update.
Previously, the support for DC-HSPA saw me getting speeds of around 20Mbps down (and 2-3Mbps up) on Three in the UK. At worst, I might expect to get speeds of around 5-6 (hardly bad for 3G).
But, now, I’m never getting over 2Mbps down (but still around 2Mbps up) and the ping times have rocketed up too.
Now, I need to do some further testing over the next few days – to rule out the phone network having done something stupid – but I am also noticing that Wi-Fi is dropping out from time to time too, and I’ve even noticed the phone drop the cellular connection completely too.
The Wi-Fi issue means that I can scroll through the Play Store and as I go down, it just pops up to say ‘no connection’. But then you hit retry and it’s back, but you’re now at the top of whatever list you were scrolling through. A rapid flick down loads up a few more apps, then the same error…
Something isn’t quite right here, yet I can’t find anyone else talking about such problems as yet. Is it just me?
I’ve definitely noticed the cellular reception is not as good as it used to be (and it wasn’t great even then!). Very often I find I’m on a 2G signal whereas my old Huawei P1 would give me 3 bars and HSDPA. I also lose signal in my house now which I haven’t had an issue with for years.
I think I agree with jmcomms, but it’s difficult to put my finger on exactly what is wrong. I’ve occasionally had all the symptoms over the last few days, but not consistently enough to say that there’s a real problem.
One other thing I have noticed is that text size often is too small despite having the settings on large and huge! Normally I can read most text without glasses, but not now, especially in G Maps, the streets are almost illegible (for me). Maybe it’s just my weary old eyes…. ho – hum
My twitter doesn’t let me upload pics anymore and gives me errors, before update it worked fine
you people experiencing issues should comment or contact the developer of said app. most apps probably haven’t been updated yet to work properly with 4.3. Update your apps and see if the errors get less and or go away.
A bad app should not reboot the phone, bad app should be terminated. Also gallery is a default app and it still makes phone reboot for some users (me included)
Keeps crashing whenever apps need to update apparently because it crashes randomly i have to hold the power button and hold it again for it to boot up and when it does THEN the apps update.. UGH
this is exactly what mine is doing. have you managed to fix it?
i factory reset my phone and it decided to work and hasnt crashed since
my nexus 4 crashes all the time, had to use the flashlight yesterday and it crashed 3 times in 10 min, also crashed while taking pictures and crashed several times on skype,
today crashed when I received a msg. This so called update ruined my vanilla experience
Sorry you guys are having problems, my Nexus 4 and 7 have been fine. I had to wait 2 days for my MX Player to update and that’s it. For me everything works, and I actually think my battery is lasting a bit longer. Luck of the draw maybe?
Veryy poor battery life after the update to android 4.3… is there any update cpmig up to solve this issue?
Hi.. I updated today.. No such issues found.. I think Google has fixed the problems.. Nexus 4 users can update..
then you havent used it yet haha
Some of the apps have stopped responding intermittently post upgrade…wondering is there is a way to go back to 4.2.3
After update my nexus 4 had lots of problems with network always doping and less battery life. Internet connection(3g) always dropping complaining about roaming not being active.
My Nexus 4 fried. I just got a replacement. The battery overheated and cracked the back. Then it would only “boot” on the charger and died frequently. But Google was good to me and sent a new one out immediately.
Push Notifications Delay on Galaxy Nexus 4…VERY annoying!
My nexus 4 was totally corrupted by 4.3 update: boot looping, battery drain, automatic screen rotation got disable. Where is 4.3.1????
Skype is crushing a phone on Nexus 4 constantly. Gallery makes it reboot sometimes as well. I’ve seen many people complaining about skype rebooting the phone on 4.3 nexus 4 devices (interestingly it works fine on my nexus 7)
I got problems too, one OS crash and some apps crashes. Os crash canceled/corupted my file download đ
Updated to 4.3 on my 16gb Nexus 4 about a week ago and now it will not auto connect to any of the remembered wifi networks and routers. Only solution is to re boot, and then it locks on fine until I go out of range of that particular router. Then it needs another reboot for subsequent remembered routers. It was perfect before the update. I was hoping that I’d left flaky old Android behind when I got the Nexus 4 and Jellybean. Hmmmmmm