Minuum keyboard – Fast typing for fat fingers. Now available

It can be a curse having such chunky fingers, but you know what they say about men with large fingers don’t you? Yep, ill-fitting gloves.

Here then is Minuum keyboard. Yes, it’s a replacement for the stock Android keyboard. Yes, you’ve seen various types of keyboard already (including Swype, Swiftkey etc), but this is different. It’s small, it’s all along one line and it lets you type quickly without being accurate. In fact, I was quite interested until I found it that it costs £2.48 just for the privilege of downloading this pubic beta. Ouch.

The single-line keyboard means that you get to see more of your screen and the auto-correct system should keep gibberish to a minimum even if you miss a letter. It was all started thanks to an IndieGoGo campaign that raised $87,354, and they only ever asked for $10,000. Now they want £2.48 for me to try a public beta? That stings if you ask me.

If you want to splash some cash anyway, have a watch of the video below or download it from Google Play here..


Comments (3)

  1. John Kyle
  2. kilteddroid
  3. James Burkett