Well that’s my New Years Resolution busted. I promised myself that I wouldn’t post another random Kickstarter project, but heck, I’ve lasted 21 days. 🙂
First though, a bit of a back-story. Mobile World Congress kicks off next month and, in my opinion, it’s more difficult than ever for a phone to make a really big impact.
Smartphones are now at a point where they’re really, really good. We’ve got excellent cameras, fast processors, brilliant connectivity and bags of storage. Battery life still needs a massive improvement, but apart from that it’s becoming harder to find that “edge” which will make your device stand out from the crowd.
This year I’m expecting to see a lot more devices which work with smartphones making the headlines. We’ve already seen smartwatches, but it’s difficult to see just how popular they’ll become. Now, for me, is the time for accessory manufacturers to really shine so – in Barcelona a month from now – I’m expecting to see a lot of really interesting connected gadgets and accessories that’ll make your smartphone do more.
It kinda leads me to this, the HOYO. They’re after £25,000 to get the project off the ground and the guy behind it – George Sheety – is based here in London. It’s a product designed for people who really can’t leave their smartphone alone – not even when they’re soaping themselves up in the shower.
It’s a waterproof pouch which, unlike normal waterproof cases, is easy to slide your phone into. There’s a few different designs, including a version which will sit inside your shower curtain or one that’ll sit next to your shower with a handy screw-cap to make the pouch waterproof quickly.
It’ll let you keep an eye on your connected baby-monitor, watch videos, listen to online radio, browse the net or… err.. perhaps engage in a video call, if that’s your thing.
There’s a promotional video for the HOYO below, in which you’ll see some people making phone calls and singing along to YouTube videos whilst sponging themselves off. Whatever floats your boat I guess.
* Warning. Slightly irritating people in the shower.
What next? A phone holder for your toilet?
You can support the HOYO project here and you’ll get rewarded too..
Early supporters contributing £12 or more can choose to receive either one HOYO shower curtain kit or one HOYO wall kit and early supporters contributing £15 or more will receive a HOYO set that can be used either on a shower curtain or on the wall.
After the early bird specials are taken, supporters can give £15 or more to choose either one HOYO shower curtain kit or one HOYO wall kit. Supporters giving £18 or more receive one HOYO set that can be used either on a shower curtain or on the wall while supporters giving £30 or more receive the home set, which are two HOYO sets for use both in the shower and on the wall. Shipping in the United States and the United Kingdom is free.
Get more information within the press release below or on the Kickstarter site. I’ll leave it up to you guys to decide what you’d like to do with your smartphone while you’re showering yourself down.