Breaking News: The WP app gap is over as McDonald’s release app

If, like me, you’ve got a Windows phone and have been concerned by the lack of an official McDonald’s app in the UK the wait is finally over.  Just think, no longer will you have that problem of walking down the street, stomach rumbling, but without the slightest idea of where your nearest golden ‘M’ is.

In fact, Windows Phone is not short of McDonald’s apps, but this is the first official one released for the UK (it already existed in a number of other countries).  The app itself is rather good, if you’re into that sort of thing.

Students can use it to ‘get some extra food for free’ and if you carry it into any branch on the first Friday of the month, not forgetting the obligatory child, you can get a free apple and grape food bag.

Far more frightening is the fact that you can look at every single item on the menu, including ‘nutritional information’.  Thanks to the newly released app I now know that my meal of choice clocks in at 1490 calories – the recommended daily intake for a woman (I am male so this is no problem).

For those of us who find McDonald’s much more useful as a fast loo than a fast food joint, the app will also allow you to navigate to the nearest branch.  The search criteria allow you to refine it to those with a drive thru (or drive through for the rest of us non-Americans), those branches open 24 hours, or those that include baby changing facilities.

Joking aside, the app does serve a purpose, I just can’t think what it actually is or why anyone would need it.