Ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygod. How good is this eh? This man played Darth Vader. I mean sure, they got James Earl Jones to do the voice (y’know, with great lines such as “The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the force”). Anyhooo..
This, my friends, is David Prowse ..
Back in 1975 he starred in a road safety campaign which continued on until 1990. It’s firmly embedded in a lot of our minds – “Stop, look, listen” etc. The whole superhero character hit home with the kids and it really did start to work.
Here’s the original video, as sent out by a pretty expensive Government campaign back in ’75..
Fast forward a few years and those old public information films aren’t being made any more. However, after almost 40 years and to support Road Safety Week 2014, the man is back. Sure, he’s 78, his suit doesn’t look quite as good now (he actually confessed in an interview that this new one was “rubbish”) and he does appear to be reading from enormous cue-cards but … no matter my friends, this guy still commands respect.
He’s aged a little and he’s poking a little fun here and there. However, this time he’s not telling the kids off because it’s us, the adults, who are being ruddy stupid now. In fact, yesterday as I drove my son back from swimming I saw a woman pushing a push-chair between two parked cars whilst on a phone, just metres from a crossing. So yes, this stuff happens and, although some insurance company seem to have added some money to elbow their name in, I must humbly salute you, Mr Green Cross Code Man. We should all listen and pay attention to this …
So. Basic message is. Don’t cross the phone whilst faffing around with stuff. Pay attention, else you’ll get squished. You turnip.