Scanner Pro 6 is a great update to a great app

This week, Readdle launched the sixth version of their popular scanning app for iPhone, Scanner Pro. It’s a free update to all of its 7 million users, and is on sale right now for 50%-off at only $2.99. This is my go-to app for scanning documents, and v. 6 makes it even better.

Scanner Pro 6 is a great update to a great app

Not only has it gotten a design overhaul, but it includes two pretty awesome features: scan radar –which automatically detects photos of documents in your photo library and offers to let you edit them in Scanner Pro – and auto scanning, allowing you to hold your phone above a document and have it automatically captured.

There’s also a Favourites option, allowing you to decide your favourite file destinations (iCloud, OneDrive, Evernote to name a few) for quick saving in a single tap.

Scanner Pro 6 is a great update to a great app

Among these, the new update also brings with it One Note integration and the option to re-edit your scans. Scanner Pro 6 is a great update, and is the perfect companion for those wanting to go paperless. Personally, I use it for scanning all of my paper documents I get at school so I can keep a backup on my computer. I’ve tried many other alternatives, but keep coming back to Scanner Pro for its quality of scans and ease of use.

Scanner Pro is made for iOS 8 iPhones and iPads, and is available on the App Store on sale for $2.99.

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