Create your own free conference calls

Create your own free conference calls

Conference calls. They fill me with dread if I’m honest. Usually you’ll end up accidentally talking over someone during the call, then they’ll stop talking just as you stop talking, then you’ll both apologise, then you’ll both start talking again. Then you’ll get someone going on about “blue sky thinking” and how they wanted to “touch base” and follow up on some terrible webinar you never wanted to ….

…Oh wait, sorry. I was meant to put a positive spin on this story.

So, there’s this company called which does just that, but – as you’d perhaps expect – you needed to call an 0844 number which would crank up your phone bill somewhat. Now they offer free conference calling on an 033 number, which means it’ll come out of your regular monthly minutes. Good huh?

They sent us this out of date image with the 0844 number still on it. The daft sausages.
Create your own free conference calls

The company launched last year and have a flashy web management system for controlling access and the conference itself. You can do invitations, reminders and all that clever stuff. Better still, you don’t even have to use the 033 number or the international dial-in numbers. You can use it via the in-browser conferencing tool using WebRTC too.

Head on over to give it a try – – or check the press release out below..