GSL 2016: HTC Vive – Face-smackingly good!

This week I managed to briefly get my hands on a HTC Vive at the Gadget Show Live event at Birmingham, UK. Sadly ten minutes was not long enough but wow, what a ten minutes! The HTC stand was right in-front of the entrance and was the “go to” stand at the event. There were queues of delegates booking a ten minute go on the fantastic VR unit. As part of the experience I got to play Space Pirate Trainer, Job Simulator and TheBlu VR.

I put the headset on and the headphones soon followed. Then the experience began by placing me inside a VR box where I was surrounded by games I could play. The HTC assistant handed me the two wireless controllers which I could “see” within the headset which lead onto a very quick tutorial. A tease for me was the view of “Aperture Science” logo which I wasn’t allowed to play.

Up first, theBlu VR. The experience involved you being placed on a sunken shipwreck, watching fish of all sizes including a massive whale. The little fish were unreal, they felt like they were actually swimming at you and then avoiding you at the last moment. After a couple of minutes you hear a voice from the lovely HTC assistant again, “Watch out for the whale!”, behind me appeared a massive whale of unbelievable quality.

GSL 2016: HTC Vive   Face smackingly good!

Next was the most bizarre first day on a new job I think I will ever experience – Job Simulator. The game is a blocky, playful environment with floating computers telling you what to do. My job list included drinking coffee, eating doughnuts, turning on computers and sacking other computers! I really enjoyed the silly elements of this game and the ability to eat rubbish!

The last game (my favourite) was Space Pirate Trainer, this game felt like I got to give the VR immersive a proper spin. The aim of the game was to shoot little flying aliens who were trying to kill you. I started with a shield and a gun, then swapped for two guns. I could have played for hours!

Amazing piece of kit, I hope I can give it a proper review in the future.