See? This is what gets me about cloud storage. You can spend hours, days, months and years uploading your treasured memories to an online drive, only for the provider in question to shut up shop. You’re then left scrambling around trying to find a new provider, or buying an external hard drive so you’ve got somewhere to download the gigabytes of data to. Even if you do get a new provider you’ll probably still have to download all that stuff before you re-upload it all again.
Bitcasa, a provider we reviewed a few years back, offered unlimited storage. Yes, really. They had apps available for uploading, viewing and sorting your media. It was free for this unlimited storage when we looked at it too.
They’ve now decided to concentrate on business customers, and there’s a rather blunt blog post about the service shutting down here which reads…
We are discontinuing our Bitcasa Drive service in order to focus our full attention on our growing platform business.
All account owners must take action to avoid losing their files. For more information, please visit our Help Center.
Thank you for being a Bitcasa Drive user. We have appreciated all of your support.
Strangely there’s no comments on this post. However, if you’re a user, it’s time to abandon ship.