What’s it like to ride on a toy train? There’s only one way to find out..

Many, many years ago I stuck a Windows Mobile handset onto a toy train. Then, just a few years later, I did the same trick with an Android phone. Here’s that HTC Desire doing a lap of the lounge…

When we received an email to say that some “chancer” had done the same thing, we were nearly going to stop the video a few seconds in. But then.. then it got interesting. OK, it’s not quite a phone. This is a Lego train set and they have a GoPro strapped to the top of it, but woah, this guy spent a LONG time putting this track together.

The length and complexity of this particular track is something to behold, but do stick with it as it takes a short while for the video to get properly interesting..

Oh, and if you’re thinking that this whole thing was just too perfect, don’t worry – there were some mistakes when earlier filmed attempts were made. The track is around 50 metres long, with friends helping to create the track.