Coolsmartphone Podcast 190 – Live

It’s Podcast Night! This week it falls the day after Two For Tuesday, but we’re doing things squared: Matteo will be joined by Greg, Khellan and Garry to discuss the week’s news in tech, mobile and gadgetry.

At 8pm UK time you can watch live on the embedded video above, or watch later after the show. The audio version will be released later in the week after editing has been completed.

Tweet @CSP_Podcast if ther eis anything you would like discussed or if you would like to heckle. Don’t worry, we won’t block you unless you’re really nasty. Or say something bad about goats. Or claim mockodile is bad. Or try and tell Greg he has more sense than money…

Any feedback? Let us know in the comments, on Twitter or via carrier pigeon.