Fancy yourself as a secret agent or a bodyguard then you will want these Bluetooth earbuds to match your covert activities. Introducing the Hero Bluetooth earbuds from Winnergear.

Just arrived at Coolsmartphone Towers today, the Hero ‘Smallest True Wireless Sports Earbuds’ are gorgeous little beasties and I just had to take a few pictures to wet your appetite for the full review:
We’ve written about Winnergear before regarding McFlip, the world’s first reversible micro USB, and were very impressed with the quality and durability (see review including video here). It seems upon initial inspection, they’ve done it again with the Hero earbuds – top quality, good looking and easy to use. They’re in their charging case as I type and I can’t wait to get them in use! We’ll have a full review up soon but if you can’t wait and want to get your hands on some of the awesome, Bluetooth earbud (secret agent) action you can visit their website here.