Back in the day we’d all either owned or played on a NES. Now, if you want to relive those times there’s a miniature version..
Yes, you can travel back to mid-80’s, when the Nintendo Entertainment System first appeared on our shores, and play games like Super Mario Bros, The Legend of Zelda, Donkey Kong, Metroid, Dr. Mario, Zelda II, Excitebike.. err.. Super Mario Bros.. errr.. Super Mario Bros and … Super Mario Bros. All in 8-bit glory, but now in low-res graphical full HD goodness!
There’s 30 pre-installed games, a NES controller, a HDMI cable and a USB power cable all included in the box, plus the Nintendo Classic Mini itself. Trouble is, it’s £184.99 on Amazon
If you want something that looks very similar, we’ve spottedTomtop for £38.49, but if you click on our special link you can get it for just £20.01. If the price doesn’t go down, put the “F1604CX” code into the basket.
With this version, there’s far more games – 500 of them and yes, Super Mario Bros and Dr Mario is included, as is a whole load more (full list below). In the box you get the game console, two controls, the AV cables needed to hook up and the power lead.
You can then choose from …
AdventureIsland2, AdventureIsland3, AdventureIsland4, MEGAMAN3, LITTLESAMSON, Turtles2, Turtles3, TurtleFighter, ChipDale2, ChipDale3, ContraForce, SuperContra7, SuperContra8, NINJAGAIDEN, NINJAGAIDEN2, DoubleDragon4, LITTLENEMO, HotBloodBasketball, HotBloodHighSchool, HotBloodIceHockey, HotBloodMarch, HotBloodNewRecord, HotBloodSoccer, HotBloodStory, HotBloodVolleyball, Mario6, Mario9, Mario10, Mario14, Mario16, AngryMarionao, DrMario, MarioInSpace, SuperMarioBros3, WreckingCrew, BalloonMario, CircusMario, BomberMario, MarioBros, MarioRunner, SmallMario, Robocop2, Robocop4, GUERILLAWAR, ChineseChess, CLOWN, SUPERMARIOBROS, BILLIARD, Idolshisenmahjang, DigDug2, Gradius, Greeds, PacMan3, CONVECTION, CORRIDOR, SpartanX, Tetris, Tetris2, TheLegendOfKage, TinyToon, TwinBee, Volguard2, WaterPipe, 4Mahjong, BomberMan, CircusCharlie, Galaga, Galaxian, GomokuNarabe, IceClimber, Jewelry, LodeRunner, YS90TANK, BubbleBobblePart2, Ghostbusters, KAGE, PowerBlade, PowerBlade2, BANDITS, ChuDaD, FamilyStadium87, FamilyTennis, FantasyZone, Fifa2006, Klax, Pacmania, JUNGLEEXPLORE, RBIBaseball, RingKing, SuperSprint, Vindicators, WorldCupSoccer, 1942, 80Days, Abscondee, AdventuresOfLolo, AdventuresOflolo2, AetherCruiser, AimCruise, Air, AirAlert, Airway, Aladdin3, AliceCooper, AlienAsylum, BATTLECITY2, AngryBird, AngryBird3, AnimalBlockes, AnimalContest, Argus, Arkanoid, BLACKWHITECHESS, AstroRoboSasa, AVPoker, Babel, Backstroke, BacktotheFuture, Badminton, Baltron, Banana, Battle, BattleBeasts, Battleship, BattleTank, Benthal, BOMBSWEEPER, Blink3, BlinkUltraHard, BlobBuster, BlobMuncher, BlocksWorld, BokosukaWars, BOUNCE, BreastStroke, BrotherBall, BugCatcher, BuggyPopper, BuraiFighter, BusyBar, ButterflyStroke, BWings, BOXWORLD, CandyWorkeshop, CandyWorkshop, CardCaptorSakura, CastleExcellent, BUGBEAR, SHOOT, ChampionshipBowling, Chess, FRANTICMOUSE, ChubbyCherub, Climbing, FRUITDISH, Contest, CookiesLabyrinth, FUTURETANK, CrazyCoonsInCloudLand, CrystalBlast, DangerBridge, BOARFORESTBV, Deformable, Dejectile, DestinationEarthstar, Destroyi, Difference, Doctor, DonkeyKongClassics, DoraeBomb, DoughBoy, Dragon, BUG’SWAR, Duck, DynamiteBowl, EggContest, BURBLES, ElevatorAction, Escapeway, ExciteMarioBros, ExedExes, Fairy’sTreasure, FallingBlocks, FamilyJockey, FatedPirate, FinalBlood, FireDragon, BURROWEXPLORER, FishStory, Flappy, CANNONADE, FlingBall, Flipull, Freestyle, Fridaythe13th, FruitGift, Galg, DANGERZONE, Geimos, GhostCastle, Giabbit, CAREBEAR, GoldenBird, Goodhand, Gradirs, Gyrodine, ROPEGAMES, Gyruss, HammerAndNail, CHACK’NPOP, HappyMatch, HarryPotter, Hassle, HayachiSuperIgo, HelloKitty, HokutonoKen, Hydlide, CLOSEQUARTERS, IceHockey, IceOcean, IgoMeikan, IgoShinan, Pillar, Island, JumpingKid, JumpJump, kamikaze, kamikaze2, kamikaze3, KarateChamp, KeroKeroKeroppi, COASTGUARD, KingsKnight, COBRAOFSKY, KungFu, SHREWMOUSE, LatticeWinner, Lightning, COLCOTHA, LittleWitch, LotLot, LuckyBall, LuigiAndTheChristmasQuest, LuigiAndTheNewQuest, MachRider, MagicEgg, MagicMatheMatic, Magmax, COMBATA, Meccano, Meikun, CONQUEROR, MetroCross, MetroMenia, MickeyMouse, MightyBombJack, Milon’sSecretCastle, MirrorDevilWord, MoaiKun, MonsterTruckRally, MouseSnare, Mowing, MsPacMan, CONTEENEGY, MusicMoment, MysteryQuest, Ninja3, NutCracky, ObakeNoQTarou, Octopus, OnyankoTown, PachiCom, PacLand, PanzerFlyCar, Paperboy, PeekABooPoker, CRYPTCAR, PenguinKunWars, CUTEFISH, PinballII, Pindable, PipeDream, PizzaBoy, PlantsVsZomb, PokerAv, PoliceDog, PoliceVsThief, Polk, PongPong, Porter, PowerRobot, PowerSoccer, ProWrestling, Pulveration, DADA, DEFENSIVE, DEFLOWER, Quarth, RabbitVillage, RiverJump, RoadWorker, Route16Turbo, DEPTHBOMB, DEVILDOMDOOM, DONKEYKONG3, DONKEYKONG2, Scoring, Seamaid, SeaportGuarl, SeaWolf, Seicross, SeifukuHenShisenMahjong, DONKEYKONGJRMATH, DOORDOOR, SkyKid, Slalom, DRAGONDEN, DUNEWAR, Soccer, Sodoku, EIDOLON’SREVENGE, Soldier, FireBase, Solomon’sKey, SonSon, SpaceBase, ENCHANTER, Spelunker, SpringWorld, SpyHunter, SpyVsSpy, Sqoon, Squee, CROSSFIRE, StarLuster, StarSoldier, Submarine, FALLING, SuperChinese, SuperMonkeyDaibouken, FIGHTER, SurfgSport, TcSurfDesign, FIRSTDEFENDER, FISHER, TheLastStarFighter, FISHWAR, TheNewType, ThePenguinSeal, Thexder, ThroughMan, TigerHeli, ToadInTheHole, FIVEDAYS, TowerofDruaga, ToyFactory, TrackField, Transformers, UtmostWarfare, ValkyrieNoBouken, Vigilant, VolleyBall, WarZone, WeddingBell, WildWorm, WisdomBoy, WonderBall, Xevious, 100mDush, 10YardFight, Aimless, AirialHero, AntarcticAdventure, Aquarium, Arabian, Arena, AwfulRushing, BalloonFight, Baseball, BattleCity, BinaryLand, BirdWeek, BrushRoller, Bubble, BurgerTime, CityConnection, Ckaaan18, CluCluLand, CubAdventure, Defender2, DevilWorld, Diamond, DigDug, DonaldMagic, DoraBros, EigoAsobi, Excitebike, Exerion, F1Race, FieldCombat, FinalyLand, FormationZ, FrontLine, GalagaPlus, GalaxyPatrol, GlommyChess, Golf, Helicopter, Hexapod, Joust, Karateka, LongJump, LunarPool, Macross, MagicBubble, Mahjong, MakingLove, Maluex, Mappy, Millipede, Miner1, Motoboat, MoveBox, Muscle, Naitou9DanShougiHiden, Nibbles, NightArrow, Ninja2, BITHA, NinjaKun, NutsMilk, OptimusMinor, PacMan, PacPacland, PentaBase, Pinball, Poker, Pooyan, Popeye, popeyeJ, RaidonBungelingBay, RoadFighter, RumbleAndFrenzy, SansuuAsobi, SeaWar, SilentHunter, SkyDestroyer, SkyInvader, SlackMan, SmallDinosaur, Snowball, SpaceInvaders, Star, StarFighter, StarForce, StarGate, Strafe, TankA1990, Teletubbies, Tennis, ToyStory, TripleJump, TwinBoar, TwinCards, UfoRace, UrbanChampion, Wizzy, Wrestle, YieArKungFu, ZippyRace, SPELUNK, KINGRETURN, OCCULTISLAND, JOKULTRIP, SECTION-Z, STORTIE, HOTBOY, DRAGONQUEST, CROSS-PACIFIC, NIX, BLAZEHILL,JURASSICPARK, BERMUDATRIP, FLYDINOSAUR, HOTMARIO, MARIOANDDINOSAUR, ELFLEGEND, CRAZYMARIO, DINOSAURBALE, GAINER, WISDOMMARIO, SUPERWONDERFULMARIO, FINALMISSION, MANSTERCLUB, HUNKING, COPSANDROBBERS, RAILLERY, GOBLIM, FLAPPY3, RAILLERY3
Yes, that’s a lot. No, of course I didn’t copy and paste that bit from the product listing 😉