Hi guy’s and girl’s this going to be a difficult piece to write but it is time that we cover it.
Some of you may have noticed that the site went a bit quiet over the last few weeks. This has been due to a unforseen and devastating blow to the site in the sad form of Leigh Geary passing away on the 17th of January, whilst in hospital. As most of you know Leigh had been fighting the effects of Cancer for most of last year. He had been in to get some standard Chemo treatment and unfortunately contracted Covid whilst he was there.

Leigh was the engine behind the site and the site was his passion after his family. He was committed to keeping this site alive through thick and thin. He managed to get the site up and running from next to nothing and then kept it going for 17 and a bit years since his first post back in June 2003.

I have had the pleasure of being a writer for the site for many years (nearly ten). In this time Leigh has been a great friend and colleague. There are many writers who you may know from their time here on the site who have moved onto bigger and greater things all thanks to Leigh giving them their start on the site. To name but a few James Pearce, Dan Carter and Craig Bradshaw. All these guys were at one time writers for the site and have either gone onto having their own sites or in the case of James working for one of the manufacturers for a time.
Leigh was able to see the passion that all his writers have had over the years and were able to nurture those passions. He was able to guide us in our respective writing styles and keep us motivated and more importantly writing.

I had the pleasure of accompanying Leigh on trips to MWC 4 times and was able to see how hard he worked for the site during our times there. The guy was incredible and did not hold back. He would honestly would get around 10 posts a day out while I would struggle to do half that.
Above is one of my more memorable moments with Leigh whilst at MWC in 2018
I would like to take a moment and pass my thoughts and wishes onto Leigh’s family and friends and to let them know that our thoughts are with them.
We will strive to keep this site going as a lasting memory to Leigh who created this and in turn also created others.
If you wish to make a donation to Leigh’s chosen charity then you can do so by going to this link