I’m constantly amazed by how popular this site is, and I try my hardest to make sure you lot enjoy it. I spend a lot of time updating, writing articles, uploading stuff and replying to around 30 emails and questions a day. The site itself has to be “hosted” and is held on a server provided by a company called Internet Central. You’ll see their advert at the top here.
Since the site started in November 2002 I’ve had about £10 in donations from visitors. It costs a LOT more than 10 quid to host this site and adverts are no-where near covering costs, so if you’re thinking of having broadband, which allows internet speeds 10 times faster than a standard dial-up, or should you need web or even server hosting please do consider them – this will help me to continue this site. Internet Central are predominantly a business ISP, but also do residential web hosting and broadband too. Please do take into account their services for your employers or yourself, as they are the ones keeping this site on your screens. Thanks again, and thanks for all your articles, uploads and feedback – they’re much appreciated.