Asda drops the price of the Arnova 8 Tablet. Still a bit rubbish though.

This is the Arnova 8 Tablet. If you’re down the local Asda pushing the trolley around you may well spot this knocked down to just £99 (from £109). It has 4GB of RAM, Android 2.1 and that 8″ screen has a 4:3 (square) format. You won’t find the Google Market on board though – the device uses the AppsLib marketplace instead.

With a 666MHz CPU and resistive screen this is definitely a budget unit. There is WiFi and a microSD card so it could be worth a punt if you want a budget device with very budget specs for.. putting in the corner and displaying photos or something..

Link – Asda Direct

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  1. Andaroo79
  2. caro Smith
  3. caro Smith