Having trouble sleeping? Well, I’ve recently had a few calls at night. It does tend to make you jump out of your skin at first. A call, in the middle of the night, is usually a sign that something is wrong – perhaps a member of the family is in trouble or something like that. So, you tend to jump up and grab the call.
Due to the overnight calls, I started putting my phone into flight mode when I go to bed. Being up all night is not going to help with my thesis – something I’m working hard on right now. At night, if anybody needs me urgently, they’ll have to call the home phone instead.
However, research has just been published which shows that over half of Britons (56%) have been disturbed during the night by nuisance calls, with many unplugging their landline to escape the calls.
There seems to be a bit of local variance to this too, with 80% of residents in Leicester being woken by nuisance calls, 69% in Cardiff and 64% in Birmingham.
Vix Leyton, Home Comms experts at www.broadbandchoices.co.uk told us..
“As more and more people conduct their business via mobile and more typically text rather than speak, you would think the spectre of the nuisance call would have been dealt with but our research shows it’s still a massive problem. GDPR means aggressive and intrusive marketing has to be kept out of our inboxes, but more needs to be done to stop us being badgered in our own homes to avoid the last resort of Brits unplugging from landlines permanently.”
The research also revealed the disparity in home-phone usage depending on how old you are. Nearly all over 60s (some 93%) keep their lines for calls, but just 65% of under 30s have a handset.