Solving hearing loss problems through tech innovations  

Our senses are a vital part of our life. Without them, we lose our abilities to perceive the world. For instance, hearing helps you acquire knowledge, communicate, and appreciate pleasant sounds, such as music. Unfortunately, circumstances may affect our ability to hear correctly, which is why we should take all measures to prevent hearing loss or manage the consequences as best as possible. In the tech world, various innovations help solve the problem differently. Let us look at a couple of these innovations.

Digital Hearing Aids 

Hearing aids have been in production since the 17th century. Thanks to several decades of inventions, hearing aids are now digital devices. They pick up sound frequencies better and amply them, use Bluetooth technology to connect to devices such as phones, and connect to apps that help users customize their preferences.

Digital hearing aids also filter noise from the sound they pick to help users enjoy conversations and music while limiting background noise. Other frustrations, such as battery performance, have been solved through rechargeable batteries. You no longer have to worry that the batteries won’t survive a whole day.

Intelligent Hearing Aids

Some hearing aids are now using artificial intelligence to improve their preference and prediction system. AI learns user preferences and uses them to make suggestions and alterations over time. Eventually, the user enjoys completely personalized hearing aids.

Because these hearing aids are smart, users don’t need to change their preferences whenever they change environments manually. With smart technology, users can enjoy conversations and listen to music better.

Ear-To-Ear Communication 

The connection between one hearing aid and the other for a single user is vital. If both hearing aids cannot communicate, the listener may hear different sounds or frequencies in both ears. Fortunately, users can now pair hearing aids to enable wireless ear-to-ear communication. Improvements in wireless data rates and algorithms ensure that both hearing aids communicate at fast speeds to give the user “normal” hearing.

Hearing Tests 

What happens when you start missing words from your boss, colleagues, and family? The truth is, when you can hear, the idea of hearing loss may seem distant. However, it’s possible to lose your hearing sense, which is why you need to test it. Fortunately, patients can now test their hearing online, wherever they are.

For example, the Phonak Online Hearing Test checks the listener’s ability to hear sounds at different frequencies and situations. After the test, the Phonak shares your test results and advises you on measures to take if you have any signs of hearing loss. The consultants also ask questions about your hearing status to determine if you have signs of hearing loss.

Since the test is online and free, it’s available to the general public and helps more people test for hearing loss before the problem escalates. The test is a great place to consider further assistance from a health care professional. If you take the test and the results show that you have hearing issues, you can make arrangements to visit a doctor.


Teleaudiology refers to a field of medicine that uses telehealth to promote ear and hearing health. It facilitates collecting and transmitting patient data to doctors who aren’t on-site. Patients can enjoy services without being physically present in a doctor’s office.

Through real-time conversations on videoconferencing, doctors can examine patients and listen to their patients. They can also use the internet to provide tests and collect data on patients. With remote monitoring devices, doctors can manage patient data as it happens and have it sent to them and backed up continuously. Real-time observation and alerts are, therefore, possible.

Patients and doctors save time and money spent on travelling and waiting in line for consultations. Also, real-time data helps doctors identify a deteriorating condition quickly and find a solution.

Personal Sound Amplification Products 

While hearing aids are the default product for most users with hearing problems, PSAPs are also widely used. These devices amplify sounds for wearers without hearing issues but wish to amplify the sound in various environments.

Since they’re lesser certifies and controlled than hearing aids, they are more affordable to consumers, hence their rise in popularity. With these devices, users can listen to speakers in large halls or crowded and noisy spaces. While PSAPs are no replacements for actual hearing aids or a professional audiologist, they help hundreds of people.

What’s more, PSAPs are integrated with phones so that users can adjust the settings on apps. Users can purchase them over the counter when they need them and learn to use them is easy steps. PSAPs are also lower in cost, which means a higher entry for people who need a little assistance with hearing.


Hearing technology helps people with hearing loss, audiologists, and hearing experts solve problems in better ways. For people with hearing loss, innovation is great news because it means they can enjoy better hearing.