More MPx220 release dates

More MPx220 release dates Apparently.. apparently.. the release date for the excellent Motorola MPx220 handset will be September 27th .. which is a Tuesday .. ermm.. well, yeah. Pinch of salt time me-thinks, but seem to think that yes, this is definitely when the MPx220 will be ready to roll.

This article also reveals details about the rapid development and tuning of the Windows Mobile OS for the MPx220. It states…

“Our source mentioned that the mega-pixel digital camera features a built-in flash and has the capability to capture video, as it was enabled in the ROM. Speaking of ROM, Motorola put out 2 new ROMs a month right now on the MPx, so old ROM reviews are useless.”

This seems to confirm my earlier story about camera integration.

There is a bit of bad news for us Europeans though – Although September 27th is quoted as a release date for the MPx220, it’s in the USA on AT&T and Cingular. Over here it seems (according to them) that only the MPx has a release date – and that’s October 30th… which.. is.. a Wednesday …. and the US launch of the MPx is.. a month later.. on November 30th?

Confused? 🙂 Also, they state that it won’t be on T-Mobile.

So… AT&T will have a Windows Mobile handset, as will Cingular and Orange. If only some more big networks would take it up..

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